What Is The Use Of Double Door ETO Sterilizer?

Double door ETO-sterilizer is specialized medical equipment designed to conduct sterilization for heat- and moisture-sensitive apparatus. It uses a gas called ethylene oxide, which offers broad diffusional ability into unreachable locations of other techniques of sterilization. Efficiency and high diffusibility into materials make it ideal for sterilizing medical devices, surgical instruments, and even fragile electronic parts. That is how strange it gets with the double-door ETO sterilizer; the peculiar thing is its unique double-door feature. This helps more efficiently by separating the "dirty" and "clean" areas of the sterilization process at any medical facility or industry. The equipment that is to be sterilized is loaded into the sterilizer from one door of the contaminated area and unloaded from the second door in the sterile area. This ensures that there is no cross-contamination of unsterilized and sterilized equipment, which is very important in a hosp...